Mullivann Wave 1

Wave 1

Comfortable hottub OKA WAVE 1 for 2 adults is made from high quality acrylate with extra ABS layer. The shell consists of three layers, which don’t harm the environment and the human health. 24 jets will take care of the perfect massage for your body.


Thermowood is a controlled treatment process where the wood is exposed to a temperature of 212 °C for 48 hours and throughout the time is monitored by dozens of sensors that monitor the correct temperature and humidity. Wood treated in this way acquires new properties and the THERMO D qualification and the wood is intended for outdoor use.

The advantages are: dimensional and shape stability, better insulating properties, longer durability and resistance to all wood pests. In addition, thanks to this process, the wood is freed from all harmful substances.Thermowood does not require any maintenance. The standart color of THERMOWOOD is honey which changes to gray over time (3-6 months). Alternatively, it is possible to paint THERMOWOOD with a color of your choice.

Price: 8790 €

Ask for price!

For further information, please feel free to contact us. We will help you choose the most suitable model for your needs.

Tehnilised näitajad

Mõõtmed  166 x 215 x 78 cm
Vee mahutavus  790 l
Kasutajate arv  2
istudes  0
lamades  2
Kaal 210 kg
Õhujoad  6
Veemassaaži joad  18
Tsirkulatsioonipump 200-400 W
Ringluspump 1 Kahe kiiruseline 2,2 kW
Juhtsüsteem ja küttekeha  Balboa 3 kW 
Filtreerimine Pinnafilter CMP, USA 
Kere Lucite, USA


Spa LED valgustus jah
Joad roostevaba teras
LED valgustusega joad  jah
Õhupuhur  jah
Kosk  jah
Küljepaneelid HPL
Osooniga saneerija  jah
Termokate jah

Wifi moodul 550.-
Microsilk 1630.-
Spa Touch juhtpaneel 210.-
Bypass 180.-
Lisasoojustus 390.-
Audio+Subwoofer 580.-
Plastikust trepp 220.-
Termokatte tõstuk 290.-